Delivering business value through the Service Desk today and tomorrow

Posted on Friday 23 November 2018.

Does your service desk create real business value and deliver a brilliant customer experience? By creating a culture of success at the service desk through best practice, motivation, engagement, development and continual service improvement, you can. To help you do that, Service Desk Institute’s best practice standard for service desks, can help you create the

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Making Sense of Metrics and Reporting

Posted on Monday 9 July 2018.

One of the most commonly asked questions from service desk managers is “What should I be reporting on?” Senior management and even customers aren’t always clear about what they need to know or focus on a very narrow set of KPIs, for example, performance within SLA doesn’t necessarily mean you have happy customers. Quite often

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The 9 Best Practices of a High Performing Service Desk

Posted on Thursday 7 June 2018.

SDI regularly audits some of the best service desks in the world against the Global Best Practice Service Desk Standard. Service desks are measured against 9 key concepts which include metrics, customer experience and leadership among others. This presentation, the first of its kind, looks at the highest performing service desks in each of these

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Undercover Analyst

Posted on Thursday 3 August 2017.

We sent our Industry Analyst, Scarlett Bayes, on our ever popular Service Desk Analyst course to give her an insight to the role of a Service Desk Analyst and to allow her to research and create topics that are relevant and a true reflection of what the service desk requires. Not only did she receive

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Meet The Trainer: Conrad Jepson

Posted on Monday 22 May 2017.

Here at the SDI we don’t just set the standards, we are also passionate about helping our community to develop practical and professional skills, every step of the way. We very much understand that time spent away from the service desk is hard-won and comes at a cost – and that there has to be

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