The A – Z Of the Great Resignation

Posted on Thursday 22 September 2022.

You’ve probably heard the theory that the pandemic is the real reason behind the Great Resignation. Sure, the pandemic has encouraged some employees to change how they think about work and re-evaluate what they want from work. But is the pandemic the only reason behind these resignations? And what does the evidence suggest?   Let’s

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Was Einstein Wrong? Reflections from SDI’s Knowledge Management event

Posted on Wednesday 25 August 2021.

by David Wright, Chief Value & Innovation Officer at Service Desk Institute. Is information knowledge? Albert Einstein’s answer to that question was a resounding no, on the principal that the only source of knowledge is experience. Effectively turning information into knowledge and managing knowledge – its creation, consumption, usage and value – is still a

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An Unused Knowledge Base is Money Left Behind

Posted on Friday 9 July 2021.

By Aprill Allen, Founder and Managing Director, Knowledge Bird It is surprisingly common for small teams to use a customer service platform and have no idea that there is a knowledge base attached. I see this with several of the customers that I work with –  business owners and customer service team leaders get into

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