Launching and Marketing the Service Desk

Posted on Wednesday 4 April 2018.

The original Naked Service Desk Blog explores the concept of stripping back the service desk to its basic components and identifies the top 10 steps key for providing brilliant service.

Step 9 forms part 10 in the series, which is all about launching the service desk, communicating contact details and promoting the benefits to customers and other stakeholders. The prospect of marketing your own service desk is often an overlooked and underrated concept, not to mention a daunting one if you don’t know where to start. But you’ll quickly notice the benefits that come along with marketing your operations once you start to raise awareness of your service desk.

Why promote your service desk?

SDI research has demonstrated that many service desk professionals feel taken for granted or undervalued by the rest of the business. Using the right service desk metrics with the right message is an indisputable way to demonstrate the value of your service desk to the wider business and gain the recognition you deserve! Promoting your service to customers is just as beneficial, as having knowledge about the services you offer and what the team does on a daily basis to support their needs will have them think of the service desk in a different light. Furthermore, communicating clear information about your services will help to manage expectations which in turn can improve overall customer satisfaction.

These concepts are explored further inside the Marketing The Service Desk Insight Report >>  which examines different methods you can use to promote your service desk.

Other reports and informative resources are available to download from the
insight area of the SDI website. If you need any further advice on service
improvement, contact us at and our team of experts will
help you identify and implement the approach that is right for you.



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