Best Service Improvement Project 2019 is a brand new award for 2019 – our award finalists Fujitsu have kindly taken the time to answer a few of our questions ahead of the IT Service & Support Awards this month. Good luck guys!
What made you decide to enter the awards?
Fujitsu are members of SDI and I always look at the mails which come out and always look at the award nominations/winners. The emails looking for nominations came out just on the back of some great work that we had done on our CSI Project and it was just a perfect opportunity to submit our nomination.
What part of the awards process did you enjoy the most?
The presentation – it was great to meet the judges and have the opportunity to show and tell the work that we have done and the benefits realised. The journey to the actual presentation was also a really worthwhile exercise – so often we focus on the negatives in our work/service rather than taking the time and effort to reflect on our successes and the journey we have been on to achieve the successes.
In the last 18 months, what has been the most successful initiative you have implemented to help your business improve its performance?
Building on our journey to shift the customer to digital channels, we are exploring how to make these channels more efficient to improve the end user service. We have a number of parallel initiatives including reducing Web Chat duration by 7 mins by reviewing Minimum Data Sets and tinplating responses, submitting stories to the customer to add alerting to web chats and also supporting the launch of the Service Now CSAT tool so we have feedback split by channel from the users on their interactions with the Service Desk.
We’re also working with suppliers across the Home Office Eco System to assess what additional information we can bring into SSD to increase our First Time Fix rate and update user facing knowledge articles. The collective effort of all these initiatives has increased our Digital Channel usage by an additional 5% and in turn saved the customer approximately £78k in the last 3 months.
What are your top 3 tips to make a service desk successful?
Team work – both internal and with our customer
Be Bold – we were bold in our actions and approaches in our initiative which has resulted increase user choice for contacting the desk, increased satisfaction and saving for the customer
Management information – Use it! We usually have a huge amount of reporting and management information available to us all but we need to refine this data and use it to make a real different and drive tangible benefit
What one thing do you think really makes you stand out as a support professional?
Our understanding of our customer and their business and our ability to use this knowledge to improve our service
How are you preparing to evolve your service desk over the next few years? Please share your most exciting plan with us!
We are working with the customer to look at the future service and are looking to try and move away from existing service metrics and measure the user experience instead of the traditional SLA’s
What does it mean to you to be a finalist in the ‘Best Service Improvement Project 2019’ category?
It is an amazing achievement to be recognised as a finalist – we are so proud of the work that we have done and it is great to have the external recognition for our efforts.
What advice would you give to anyone entering the awards next year?
Go for it – it can be time consuming to fill in the nomination documentation and prepare for presentations but it is definitely worth the effort.
What would you do to celebrate if you won ‘Best Service Improvement Project 2019’?
I would be as proud as punch. Proud of the whole team and we would look to recognise everyone in the team for their efforts – I would also pop open a bottle (or two) of bubbly!