Are You Ready to Banish Siloed Workplaces?

Posted on Wednesday 10 November 2021.

A Software Robot for Every Worker

Posted on Wednesday 10 November 2021.

Most employees recognize that their work lives could be improved if they could automate repetitive work or shorten the time it takes to perform essential tasks.   Process automation inevitably raises concerns among some employees about their own job security. However, using software robots for worker augmentation – rather than worker replacement – has emerged

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9 Things You Need To Know About Enterprise Service Management

Posted on Tuesday 12 October 2021.

Enterprise service management has been a key ITSM trend for the last half-decade – the use of IT service management (ITSM) principles and capabilities by other business functions/teams to improve their operations, services, experiences, and outcomes – with its tool-based use-case origins going back even further. Where ESM adoption currently stands and where it’s heading

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Does ESM Make for Happier Employees? (Who Make Happy Customers!)

Posted on Tuesday 7 September 2021.

By Hannah Price Enterprise Service Management (ESM) has many benefits for organisations, namely: increased efficiency, cost-savings, and improved cross-departmental collaboration. But does it go beyond that? Does ESM make for happier employees? The employee’s experience of ESM Choosing to implement ESM has direct consequences for our employees, therefore, it makes sense that it affects their

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Was Einstein Wrong? Reflections from SDI’s Knowledge Management event

Posted on Wednesday 25 August 2021.

by David Wright, Chief Value & Innovation Officer at Service Desk Institute. Is information knowledge? Albert Einstein’s answer to that question was a resounding no, on the principal that the only source of knowledge is experience. Effectively turning information into knowledge and managing knowledge – its creation, consumption, usage and value – is still a

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What can HR, facilities and other internal service teams learn from the geeks in IT?

Posted on Thursday 12 August 2021.

While it may not seem like it on the surface, HR, facilities and IT have a lot in common. In fact, any internal corporate service provider dealing with similar types of requests – for help, information, services, and changes to existing services – has a lot in common with IT. So, it’s no big surprise

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The Essence of Enterprise Service Management (a snippet)….

Posted on Wednesday 11 August 2021.

By Lana Yakimoff, Principal Consultant, ITSM Consulting Services Pty Ltd. Service Management has been around for many years, most of us work within the ITSM industry delivering value and some form of service. Looking back over the years IT has evolved; from ad-hoc 80’s IT shop, to adopting ITIL Framework originating from the UK Government and

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