What Can You Expect From SDI During COVID-19 Epidemic?

We’d like to reassure you that SDI is taking all necessary action to minimise the impact to our customers from the COVID-19 outbreak and to ensure the maximum safety for our team and your organisation.

We are taking advice daily from the UK Government and we’d like to reassure you that – for now – we are continuing to run our conferences, events, training courses and consultancy services as normal based upon the government safety guidance. We are also following country specific guidance where we work with organisations overseas.

Based on the World Health Organization’s declaration that this is a public health emergency of international concern, the UK Chief Medical Officers have raised the risk to the UK from low to moderate.

The NHS advice states that most people can continue to go to work, school and other public places. You only need to stay away from public places (self-isolate) if advised to by the NHS 111 online coronavirus service or a medical professional.

How Do I Avoid Getting It?

It is not yet known exactly how coronavirus spreads from person to person. However, similar viruses are spread via respiratory droplets, such as those produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

Therefore, we are advising all of our conference, event and training course delegates to follow NHS guidance to minimise risk of spreading any viruses.

What Happens Now?

We are doing everything to ensure that every person attending an SDI course or event will continue to have the best and most safe experience possible while we continue with business as usual.

Please be assured that we are working closely with our venues to ensure there is adequate hand sanitiser, soap, tissues and bins available for everyone to follow the NHS advice safely. We will also be advising delegates with restricted travel like China, Iran and northern Italy to not attend to SDI courses and events and to follow the UK Government advice.

We take your safety seriously at SDI and if you have any concerns about attending any of SDI’s courses or events please do contact us using live chat or by emailing hello@sdi-e.com

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