Process Design
There are plenty of resources available to an organisation looking to create or develop existing processes. Whether it’s a process for incident management, service requests, change control or any other aspect of service management. Every organisation is different and what may work for one organisation in a particular industry may not necessarily work as well for an organisation in another industry. Typically the majority of information resources that are freely available fail to tell you how to implement processes that are tailored to your organisation’s needs.
SDI often hear stories from our members in surveys, conversations at our events or conferences where organisations are struggling with processes. Process implementation, process adherence, or making processes efficient, it’s clear that if not done correctly, processes can become a burden. It’s all too easy for an organisation to become bogged down by processes, especially if there’s been inefficient implementation or if people find them too long winded or unnecessary.
Our industry experts can help ensure that your organisation implement processes which are tailored, streamlined, and add value to your service, employees and customers. Their expertise can support any IT operation in identifying, reviewing, documenting processes and procedures in order to deliver optimal levels of support.