Performance Results Reporting

Does your service desk tool produce reports that are compliant with the SDI Best Practice Standard?

SDI’s Service Desk Reporting Compliance Audit proves that a software vendor’s IT service desk tool complies with the requirements of SDI’s Global Best Practice Standard for Service Desk (Best Practice Standard). In order to achieve compliance, vendors must demonstrate how their tool reports on SDI’s prescribed performance measures.

If you see this logo appear with a service desk software product you know that its reporting capability is aligned to the requirements in the Best Practice Standard:

The tool must comply in the following ways:

  • Quick and efficient display of the performance results data
  • Data is presented in a clear and concise way

The data must be displayed graphically and comply with the following:

  • Graph has a target line
  • Graph has a trend line
  • Data is trended over a rolling 12 month period

Compliant Service Desk Tools:


Marval & Sunrise Software’s reporting capabilities are certified as being aligned to the SDI Best Practice Standard.

Watch this short video to see the Sunrise reporting functionality in action:

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