Service Desk 2.0 Event Resources

Your resources from Service Desk 2.0 – 5 December 2018

Thank you for attending our event in London and contributing to the discussions.


We had a fantastic day listening to stories from our speakers, insight from our sponsors and thoughtful input from everyone in the room, hosted by SDI’s Tom West-Robinson at the British Medical Association.

If you’d like to revisit any of the speakers’ content you can download the presentations below:

  Scarlett Bayes, SDI 

  Scott Lake, ESP Global 

  Grant Harris, Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust

  Heather Gilbank, Vodafone 


If you are interested in Shift-Left in particular also see this previous event presentation from Manchester Metropolitan University:

  Martina Holubcova & Kate Carrington, Manchester Metropolitan University – ‘Shift Left & Beyond’


During the day there was some discussion around recruitment challenges and Tom mentioned SDI’s specialist recruitment service – visit our Service Desk Resourcing page to find out more about how SDI can help you to find the right people for your team.


Workshop Takeaways

During the group discussions there were many tips, ideas and points to consider that we collected and have written up below for you to revisit whenever you’d like – thank you for getting involved and making this such a valuable session. Here’s a summary of the discussion points and ideas:

1.  Self-service adoption
  • Engage with all teams first – how are they going to use it? Talk to them
  • Plan how you’ll know if users are getting what they need
  • Use your internal marketing + communications team
  • Consider ESM / potential future shares services
  • Consider branding / branding as yours
  • Use knowledge base to help them use Self-Service
  • Continually promote + communicate
  • Consider killing email! Are there other barriers that may be hindering adoption?
2.  Recruitment
  • Consider how to get balance of skills + what mix you’re looking for work future plans in mind
  • Think about how to benchmark / measure the new skills / requests that aren’t in current team / weren’t on previous job descriptions
  • Ensure you can resource the right training for new recruits
  • Cross skill within team
  • Get team involved in recruitment
  • Recruit for your size/ culture / type of desk
  • Candidates expectations are changing – need to understand this
  • Get realistic expectations for candidates
  • Work with the right recruitment partners – ensure they fully understand the role + organisation first + requests (give them scenarios) – consider SDI’s resourcing service
  • Consider how people (+agencies) search – keywords?
3.  Shift Left


  • 2nd line engagement
  • Finding time to prioritise Knowledge Management / Knowledge Base
  • Getting buy–in
  • Consistency in knowledge and service levels
  • Works different for each organisation – need to workout what / how it works for you
  • Holding on to knowledge / co-operation between teams


  • Other routes + ways to “shift” work
  • Best ways to identify who does what
  • Customers don’t care who fixes their problem
  • Always remember it’s about the user experience
  • Transparency
4.  Educating the business / leaders
  • Show how will increase efficiency (mapping) + clearly defined user journey, workflows
  • Work out what to measure / track to help you show the R.O.I / value
  • Emphasise the other benefits (ie user experience, enhanced service) not just monetary savings
  • Information
  • Translate into their language
  • Understand who you’re pitching to
5.  Turning off email
  • Emphasis the specific benefits for them
  • Make sure you’ve thought through the alternatives + how they’ll work for different scenarios
  • Survey customers / find out what they really think / need / UX
  • Communication – before, during, after
  • Use forecasting to paint a picture
  • Highlight common goals
  • Use evidence from early adopters of alt. channels + other organisations doing it well
  • Alt. has to be better + more efficient (e.g. Self-Service)
  • Adapt for different group groups / demographics
  • Consider the broader improvements / benefits you can demonstrate as well as direct savings – e.g. consistency, quality
6.  Preparing for Automation + Self-Service
  • Set expectations, clarify with wider business – make sure they’re ready too
  • Long-term buy-in (+early)
  • Start small / incremental
  • Service introduction process
  • Consistency
  • Consider what elements are best suited to automate
  • Knowledge – underpins it all
  • Ensure handover to human works well – important
  • Sell it first push out benefits + communication first
  • Use service desk to “sell” it out to the business
Discover how SDI can help you move forward by taking a look at our Service Improvement Plans.




Thanks to our event sponsors:


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